Book: Listening to Prozac: A Psychiatrist Explores
Antidepressant Drugs and the Remaking of the Self
Author: Peter D. Kramer
Published: 1993 (Penguin)
Pages: 313
The back of this book says, “Prozac is telling us new things
about the chemistry of human character.” I don’t know how accurate that
statement is eleven years later, but I did enjoy exploring its
weird-because-they-make-things-totally-normal side effects with Dr. Kramer.
He’s a good guide through antidepressants in general and how
this household name doesn’t just lift people out of their sadness but also puts
some assertion and pep into their personalities. And all that medical
explanation segues very nicely into societal arguments about what this means
and how this could screw with our bell curve of “normal,” psychology spread.
Like, will this jack up our baseline for what we consider mentally healthy?
Dr. Kramer doesn’t pretend to have a definitive answer, or
even a very strong opinion, about this, but he lays out the facts and presents
his own practice anecdotes for both sides like a champ, and it’s a joy to read
something this informative without feeling like I’m whacking through bushes of
technical terms and concepts (although they are there, he explains them fairly
easily, if over a few more pages than kept my attention sometimes) or
domineering authority.
I’m keeping it! It shall go on my (ruffle of drums and
flutter of trumpets, please) new booktruck once they get that bad mamajama
shipped to my apartment building. I’ve been waiting for an excuse to buy one
(or three) as funky new bookshelves, and I guess I should thank the bugs that
buried into a crack in my old non-fiction bookshelf, bringing out superhuman
feats of strength of ugh factor in me as I hauled it down to our outdoors
dumpster within like seconds (down three flights of sketchy-ass stairs, I might add).
Anyway, so now I’m going to pile this one on the couch with
the rest of my nonfiction and then once I get them situated in their new
awesome home (the color is “robin”!), I will take a photo and brag about it on
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