Book: Doctor Who Omnibus 1
Authors: Gary Russell, Leah Moore, John Reppion, Tony Lee,
John Ostrander, Richard Starkings, Rich Johnston, Charlie Kirchoff, Tony Lee
Artists: Nick Roche, Jose Maria Beroy, Stefano Martino,
Micro Pierfederici, Ben Templesmith, Paul Grist, Kelly Yates, Adrian Salmon,
Eric J, Tom Mandrake
Published: 2013 (IDW)
Pages: 416
Dragon*Con loot, you guys! Actually my only piece of it
besides the tract marks on my left elbow and the free t-shirt I got for giving
platelets. That, by the way, is a terrible way to get over squeamishness of
needles and blood. It took over an hour and I almost threw up.
Anyway, so continuing the trend of buying a book at each
place I make a trip to, I bought this Doctor Who comic book, got one of the
artists to sign it, and read like twenty pages the entire weekend. But when I
got back, I had half a Labor Day still to kill so I celebrated by doing
absolutely no labor except getting through these stories.
And I wish they had been selling a volume of just the six one-shots
collected for the Through Time and Space section because those were all
gorgeous and different and provocative in examining humanity. My favorite was
the one where there’s a planet that’s being terrorized by a monster that feeds
on empathy so the aliens have trained themselves to show no emotions but then
when they die they record their last words onto these portraits that they hang
in this gallery and they’re all emotional things they wished they had said to
each other and Martha Jones gets all achy about how uselessly complicated they
made things like that, and the art is this blurred-background-sharp-doodle-lines
stuff that brings just the right things into focus.
Also they bring in Donna for a couple one-shots. OH YES.
Except the one about the planet that treats its womenfolk as subhuman is a bit
too on-the-nose when the crowd who buys this probably descended from the first
20th century ladies lined up to gain the vote.
The longer two stories that sandwich the one shots – eh. The
first one’s got a convoluted plot about giant cat alien guardians of the
universe, or something, I couldn’t work that out even as I was reading through
it, and the second one’s guilty of leaning too heavily on nostalgia to solve
its plotline, although it does use the TARDIS’s organic nature in a slowly
revealed, brilliant way that gets ignored a lot.
I am glad I bought this, and I love the cover, and I read
some of it while eating the best pulled pork and pecan pie in Atlanta at Fat
Matt’s Rib Shack waiting for the blues band to set up. So of course I’m keeping
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