Book: S
Authors: J. J. Abrams (creator) and Doug Dorst (writer)
Published: 2013 (Mulholland Books)
Pages: 456
Through my journey of mediocre impulse pickups and
compulsive re-readings, sometimes I forget why I like reading in the first
place. Sometimes it becomes a hollow excuse for entertainment or a way to kill
time because I’m too boring to think of anything else to do. But then I stumble
across a difficult, engrossing narrative with a payoff that reminds me, hey, we’re
mapping the entire human experience here. This is important.
S totally does that. It’s a metanarrative where you have a
book written by a mysterious, reclusive, yet semi-famous in his time author,
but the real story is in the margins where two lost college kids start
scribbling notes to each other, first about their mutual love and analysis of
the story, and gradually escalating to a real-life investigation into the
intrigue of a writer-spy ring, current literary politics, and their own
It’s great – the story in the book itself is a surreal
exploration of identity, loyalty, and heroism told in a magical realism that
involves a recurring pirate boat and a lady the main character keeps seeing but
can’t catch until the end. The story in the margins is perfect at building up
hints and forward and backtracks and slowly revealing connections out of order
until you get – well, I didn’t feel like I got 100% of that, and part of it was
I’m paranoid there were some bits of stuff missing.
The book has various pieces of evidence tucked into the
pages, like postcards and letters and “old” photos and the front page of a
college newspaper, etc. It frankly makes this a bitch to read in a lot of the
public places I like reading – tried to read it while jammed up against a table
of lawyer bros when I treated myself to lunch the other week and ended up
closing it and “concentrating on my pizza” (= listening to their weekend
exploits while staring at the fried eggplant I was eating) instead. And I’m
also paranoid that I don’t have all the pieces to give back to the library when
I turn this in tomorrow.
But it was really worth it, and I loved how it made me
concentrate on its subjects, and I would so recommend putting money into this
if you have $35.00 for a new book. If you don’t, your public library totally
has this on loan. You’ve got no excuse.
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